License Plates

When you come to the Treasurer's office you may choose from a variety of license plates. Each plate comes with restrictions and qualifications. Some of the plates available include:

We started with changing the plate text pattern on the following plate types:  (Please view attached Plate Type Table)

Standard Lg 1 Sequence would go 0005ABB, 0006ABB, 0007ABB, 0008ABB, 0009AAB

Standard MC would go BA0AA, CA0AA, DA0AA, EA0AA, FA0AA

Standard MB would go N3EA, P3EA, R3EA, S3EA,T3EA

Disabled Lg 1 would go AAL011, AAL012, AAL013, AAL014, AAL015

Disabled MC would go B0AA, C0AA, D0AA, E0AA, F0AA

Disabled Veteran Plate Lg 1 AAS011, AAS012, AAS013, ASS014, ASS015

Disabled Veteran MC Y0DB, Z0DB, A1DB, B1DB, C1DB


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