December 2024 Leavenworth County Newsletter
The Board of County Commissioners serves as the Chief Legislative and Executive Branch of the County Government. Composed of five members, with each Commissioner representing a district of the County.
The duties of the Board of County Commissioners include:
- Approving the County budget and expenditures
- Appointing the various department heads of the County
- Exercising powers of local legislation
The County Attorney's office spent Friday's lunch break with the dogs (and cats) at Leavenworth Animal Control, spreading as much holiday cheer as possible. I am incredibly proud of our team here at the Leavenworth County Attorney's Office. Knowing the animals at the shelter were in need, the team rallied to gather food, leashes, collars, and toys to donate. The shelter could still use some help and will welcome donations. They are located behind the City of Leavenworth, Kansas Price Chopper. If you would like more information, please take a look at the last picture of this post.

Merry Christmas from the County Attorney's Office!!
The Leavenworth County Sheriff's Office is seeking hardworking, dedicated, and career-minded professionals for the positions of:
Deputy Sheriff (Patrol Division) - $23.35/Hour, Full-Time, Benefits Eligible, Pay Consideration for Experience / Education
Deputy Sheriff Job Description
Detention Officer - $20.76/Hour, Full-Time, Benefits Eligible
Detention Officer Job Description
Dispatcher - $19.95/Hour, Full-Time, Benefits Eligible
To apply click here !
The Leavenworth County Sheriff's Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Christmas Safety Tips Leavenworth Emergency Management
Happy Holidays from the Leavenworth Emergency Management team! We want you to be extra prepared this year by using some holiday safety tips. Listed below, we have reminders and suggestions in multiple holiday categories. These safety precautions and planning will help make your holiday season merry and safe!
First is our light safety. It is very important to use caution with working with fire and electricity.
- When Lighting up holiday candles, make sure to stay within the household while burning them
- Make sure to keep in mind how old your lights are and replace them as needed.
- Do not overload your electrical outlets
- Do not use burn wrapping paper in your fireplace
The second is tree safety. Putting up a tree is one event of the holidays that brings us together. Below are tips that will ensure your tree is not a hazard this year.
- Make sure to properly secure your tree
- Keep it at a safe distance from any flammable fragile objects
- Water your tree daily or as needed
- Do not let your pets chew on your tree
- If you have a real tree, make sure to properly dispose of it after the holidays
The third is our pet safety tips for this holiday season. To make sure your fuzzy family members are taken care remember these tips we have for you.
- Be mindful of where you place your holiday plants. Most are dangerous to your furry family members. Research the plants and make sure they are in a safe location for your pets.
- Christmas treats such as chocolate and candy canes are unsafe for your pets. We encourage you only to give holiday treats made for your pet or lean meat from your holiday dinner.
- Make sure to have extra pet food and water bottles prepared for harsh winters.
- Leaving for the holidays and can’t take your fur buddies with you? Research quality kennels or ask good friends to house sit
Fourth, we have winter tips! These safety tips will help in cold weather situations and safety for you and your loved ones.
- Keep an extra pair of mittens, hats, and a blanket in your car for any winter hazards.
- Avoid using cruise control traveling on winter roads when snow or ice may be present.
- Check the weather of your local and neighboring areas, and dress accordingly.
- Detach hoses from the outside of your house
- Clear snow off of your roof if it is a significant amount, roofs can only handle about 20 pounds of snow over a total roof span
- Salt your driveway when there is snow in your community’s forecast
- Have multiple flashlights or backup lighting in case of any winter power outages
Lastly are our holiday safety tips. These precautions will help you avoid any holiday headaches or worries.
- Make sure to keep your home secured and locked while out and at night.
- Make sure to check the websites you are doing business with, and make sure to use caution when shopping online.
- Schedule your packages to be delivered when you are home
- If you plan on using your fireplace this year, make sure to clean your chimney
- Turn off your holiday lights at night and give those outlets a break
- Lastly, ensure all household members know the safety evacuation plan in case of any household/winter emergency.
We hope these suggestions help make this holiday fun and safe for you and your family. So again, we wish you all a happy holiday from our team to yours!
Are you looking for a new career?
Leavenworth County is a great place to work!
You can find all of our current job openings on our job opening section of our website.
Leavenworth County Health Department
Our Women, Infants, and Children Program helps families stay healthy! We offer nutrition foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to community resources. To learn how we can help you and your family, contact us at the Leavenworth County WIC Program at 913-250-2040. “USDA is and equal opportunity employer.

Leavenworth County EMS

Beginning December 2, 2024, the Tonganoxie Annex will resume driver's license renewals! Renewals will be available by appointment from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Monday through Thursday. Please call the Annex to set p an appointment 913-364-5730
The purpose of the Planning Commission is to make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on land use applications, regulations, and policies presented by the Planning and Zoning Department.
These cases will be heard by the Board of County Commissioners for a final determination. The Commission Agenda is posted on the Leavenworth County website and is available for public viewing.
Here are links to the Planning Commission Schedule and Board of County Commissioner Schedule.
The Register of Deeds is responsible for the safe keeping and preserving of documents. We record Warranty Deeds, Transfer on Death Deeds, Quit Claim Deeds, Mortgages, Mortgage Releases, Affidavits, Death Certificates, Surveys, Subdivision Plats, Easements, Military Discharges and many more.
The Register of Deeds also files financing statements and security agreements on personal property under the uniform commercial code, as well as Federal, State, and Medical liens.
Real estate documents are recorded and filed of record as soon as they are received by e-filing. Mailed or walked in documents stop recording at 4:30 p.m. and are returned to the customer the next day.
For all documents you are recording whether walked into the office or mailed:
- All information (no blanks) must be completed on your document prior to presenting it in our office.
- The Notary Public acknowledgement must be correctly executed.
- Correct payment presented by check (pay to LV CO ROD), MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or cash (do not mail cash). See the Fee Schedule link for the correct amount of recording fees.
- Provide email address and phone for any questions we may have regarding your document.
- Provide a copy of a state issued photo ID if your filing conveys property.
- Provide a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like the original document returned after recording. Otherwise, a digital copy of your recorded document will be emailed.
Transfer Station
Leavenworth County Transfer Station Recycling Center
Leavenworth County Christmas Tree and Lights Disposal

The National Fire Protection Association says real Christmas trees should be removed from the home as soon as the Holiday is over or as soon as the tree is dry and brittle to help prevent possible fires. They also advise keeping them from sitting in the garage or up against the house after removal.
According to NFPA, 29% of Christmas tree fires in U.S. homes occur in January. The longer you keep a live Christmas tree in your home, the more of a fire hazard it is.
Transfer Station Holiday Hours:
We will be closed Saturday, December 24 thru Monday, December 26, for Christmas - we will reopen on Tuesday, December 27.
We will be closed Saturday, December 31 thru Monday, January 2, 2023, for New Year's - we will reopen on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
Have a happy and safe Holiday time!
Transfer Station Contact Information
24967 136th St, Lansing, KS 66043
Phone: 913.727.2858
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday and all County observed Holidays
Mission Statement
To provide evidence-based supervision which promotes public safety, offender accountability, and improves their ability to live productively and lawfully in our community.
Community Corrections is looking for an individual to fill the Adult Intensive Supervision Officer I/Juvenile Intake Officer role. You can read more about the position here.
They will also begin accepting applications for a Program Aide. More information about that position will be posted soon on our job openings page.
Contact Us
PHONE: 913.684.0775
Leavenworth County Offices will be closed on December 24rd and December 25th to allow our employees time to spend with their families over the Holiday Weekend. We will also be closed on January 2nd in observance of New Years Day.
Happy Holidays!
Leavenworth County would like to communicate with as many residents as possible. Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter and a variety of other alerts and news from our County Departments.
Leavenworth County is also on Facebook , so residents can follow their local government and stay informed about the latest news and events.