November Newsletter 2023
The Board of County Commissioners serves as the Chief Legislative and Executive Branch of the County Government. Composed of five members, with each Commissioner representing a district of the County.
The duties of the Board of County Commissioners include:
- Approving the County budget and expenditures
- Appointing the various department heads of the County
- Exercising powers of local legislation
A view from the roof of the Justice Center at 601 S. 3rd Street, Leavenworth, KS, facing North.
Leavenworth County Attorney’s Office met with administrators with the Leavenworth School District to discuss truancy, vandalism, and drugs. A portion of the meeting was dedicated to discussing paraphernalia and vaping.
A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court of Appeals heard oral arguments Tuesday, October 17, at the Leavenworth Justice Center. Judges Lesley Isherwood, Henry Green, and Rachel Pickering heard three cases. “It’s a real privilege for us that they are willing to take their time to come to Leavenworth to hear these cases,” said Leavenworth County Attorney Todd Thompson.

Sheriff Office Job Openings
The Leavenworth County Sheriff's Office is seeking hardworking, dedicated, and career-minded professionals for the positions of:Deputy Sheriff (Patrol Division) - $22.89/Hour, Full-Time, Benefits Eligible, Pay Consideration for Experience/Education
Deputy Sheriff Job Description
Detention Officer - $20.35/Hour, Full-Time, Benefits Eligible
Detention Officer Job Description
To apply click here
Are you looking for a new career?
Leavenworth County is a great place to work!
You can find all of our current job openings on our job opening section of our website.
Matt Elliott, Special Project Supervisor
Public Works Road and Bridge Division
In this employee spotlight, we are excited to recognize Matt Elliott in our Public Works Road and Bridge Division. Matt is the Special Project Supervisor at the County Shop.
Matt is very instrumental within the Public Works Department, having worked for the County for over 16 years. His knowledge of all the different equipment our road crew utilizes for their jobs is beyond valuable to his team.
Thank you for your service to Leavenworth County, Matt! Let's take a second to get to know a little more about Matt.
I am married to a wonderful lady, Meagan. I have two sons and two daughters. I enjoy cars and ATVs.
Please tell us a little about your department and your role in the department.
I work in the Public Works Department, specifically the Road and Bridge Division. I am the Special Project Supervision. My crew and I work on replacing culverts and maintaining Leavenworth County roadways and bridges.
What is one thing you would like Leavenworth County residents to be aware of?
Please slow down when driving through work zones and be careful. Everyone wants to make it home safe to their families.
How do you like to spend your free time?
I enjoy camping, fishing, hunting, and working on cars and motorcycles. I love spending time with my wife, kids, family, and friends.
What is your favorite memory of your time at Leavenworth County?
It was working on 207th Street south of 92 HWY when we rebuilt the road for pavement. That was the last one we did from start to finish, and the project took one year to complete.
Leavenworth County EMSTraining is part of the job as an EMT or paramedic, and the more realistic the training, the better. This past summer, Leavenworth County EMS conducted and hosted more reality-based training than ever before in the service’s history.
Beginning in June, Leavenworth County EMTs and paramedics were able to participate in randomly selected simulations using the county’s own hi-fidelity simulator. This simulator can operate in many ways the same way a patient does—it breathes, it has a pulse, it can speak. Over the past two years, EMS has been fortunate enough to be able to train with it, but this past summer there were other reality-based training opportunities.
In July, the Perinatal Simulation Team from Overland Park Regional Hospital returned (they came in February as well) for another round. This time, the scenarios with their simulator, Victoria, were more complicated and included problems such as high blood pressure and even cardiac arrest in the pregnant patient.
In August, Leavenworth County EMS conducted our first-ever interdisciplinary simulation training with athletic training students from University of St Mary. For two different sessions, the athletic training students were able to initiate care of a simulated patient and transfer that care to an EMS crew who continued. This kind of interaction builds teams that are necessary in critical situations.
Leavenworth County Health Department

Emergency Management
Road safety tips during harvest:
We must be aware that there will be a lot of large and slow-moving equipment on the roads during harvest season. There will also be a lot of grain trucks on the roads, and it is a tough job to drive those things! They don’t accelerate or stop like a car or SUV, so hopefully, we can help spread the word to help our non-farm drivers remember to watch for them and try to help them out when we can.
Some safety tips for thought:
Slow down immediately when you see farm equipment ahead of you on the road. Farm equipment isn't very fast, about 15-20 mph on the road on average. If you are driving 55 mph, you cover around 80 feet per second; it won't take long to be right on top of a slow-moving vehicle.
· Be patient and wait to pass farm equipment safely. Unsafe passing was one of the primary factors in many of the motor vehicle accidents we responded to in the fall.
· Along those same lines, be careful when approaching on-coming farm equipment. Oncoming vehicles might not be as patient as you are and pull out suddenly to pass the farm equipment into your path.
· Farm equipment often have to make wide turns, so be aware of that and help by being patient and giving them room to turn.
· Since some of the equipment is wide, you may still have to edge out on the other side of the road, further than normal, even though growers are very good at getting over as far as they safely can to let you by. Road shoulders can be notoriously tricky; they are even more challenging when the ground is wet.
· Harvest seems to amplify deer movement both day and night. Watch your speed and scan your surroundings for them as you drive. Like anything else, situational awareness will help reduce risk.
- Taxpayers may renew their vehicles up to 60 days in advance of their renewal deadline.
- Tax statements for 2023 will be mailed out in early November.
- Driver's License renewals at the Annex are now taking appointments again. Please call to set up an appointment at 913-364-5730.
What we do...
Buildings and Grounds tries, to the best of our ability, to be good stewards of taxpayer's money and operate within the annual budget constraints set by the Board of County Commissioners.
What responsibilities fall under Buildings and Grounds?
- The safe operation and maintenance of 10 county owned buildings and three communication towers with a combined value of over $78 million.
- Primary focus is on the Courthouse, Justice Center, Health Department, EMS facilities, County Shop, Transfer Station and Tonganoxie Annex.
- Manages all facility construction projects and subcontracted services.
How does Buildings and Grounds accomplish all of the needed operation and maintenance?
- Buildings and Grounds has a maintenance staff of a director, four technicians, an administrative assistant, four janitorial staff and access to the County Shop personnel and equipment when needed.
- Buildings and Grounds has many tools in the operation and maintenance toolbox and some are three year on-call contracts, a shop full of hand tools, power tools, mowing equipment and needed parts.
- Buildings and Grounds has access to the Public Works architectural/engineering support contract for assistance with engineering and architectural design needs.
- Other tools at our disposal are annual specialty service contracts for elevators, electrical control systems at the Justice Center, fire monitoring, vending and Justice Center janitorial to name a few.
What types of projects does Buildings and Grounds have going today?
- The newly acquired Cushing Memorial Hospital conversion and remodel of four floors.
- Operations and maintenance of the five sewer districts.
- Day to day requests for operation and maintenance from county employees.
Better Equipment
Fraud is getting harder to accomplish with our newest addition to office equipment. We are able to verify a driver’s license by the embedded holograms on state issued cards.
Faster Researching
We are enjoying the digital images of our oldest documents now available by computer search from our scanning project. Research is not only faster, but response times are quicker for customers and we can answer requests with more legible copies.
Sharing FREE Property Fraud Alert Service by Register of Deeds
We’ve now passed 23,000 subscription notification requests for Property Fraud Alert. At the Oct 14 Lansing Fall Festival, we had more people stop by that were already signed up than needed to subscribe. Keep sharing PFA news with friends!
In these uncertain times, I encourage you to protect your property by also researching the benefits of the Transfer on Death Deed and talking with your attorney on any questions you may have about your property ownership. We have forms you may print off for free on our website .
If you are part of a club or organization looking for a speaker, I am available to share this community service in person. Email requests or call the office. I would be happy to share a program on Register of Deeds services with your group.
For more information or to subscribe to Property Fraud Alert, call the Register of Deeds at 913.684.0424 or email .
We served lots of customers at our facility. We saw many familiar faces, as well as new customers – who were happy to find us.
New and repeat customers can check our webpage for all kinds of information.
Transfer Station Contact Information
24967 136th St, Lansing, KS 66043
Phone: 913.727.2858
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday and all County observed Holidays
Mission Statement
To provide evidence-based supervision which promotes public safety, offender accountability, and improves their ability to live productively and lawfully in our community.

Bridge ST-100 is now open!
The bridge is located on Fairmount Road, East of 179th Street. Fairmount Road lies between the cities of Basehor and Lansing and is the only fully paved corridor, north of Basehor, between Kansas Highway 7 and County Route 5/Tonganoxie Road. As a result, the roadway and the ST-100 Bridge are very heavily traveled by many county residents in the center of the County and the surrounding communities of Basehor, Lansing, and Tonganoxie.
The project improvements consist of replacing the existing 40’ length Concrete Tee Beam structure, built in 1973, with a 3-Span 130’ length Reinforced Concrete Haunch Slab bridge. The width of the new bridge will be 32’. Surfacing improvements included in the project consist of slight grading elevation modifications and 320’of HMA asphalt pavement reconstruction
Leavenworth County was awarded KDOT Off-System Bridge Program funding assistance for the Grading, Bridge, and Surfacing Improvements in September 2021. The Off-System Bridge Program is a KDOT funding source that assists with up to 80% of costs associated with the construction and construction inspection services.
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