February 2024
The Board of County Commissioners serves as the Chief Legislative and Executive Branch of the County Government. Composed of five members, with each Commissioner representing a district of the County.
The duties of the Board of County Commissioners include:
- Approving the County budget and expenditures
- Appointing the various department heads of the County
- Exercising powers of local legislation
A view from the roof of the Justice Center at 601 S. 3rd Street, Leavenworth, KS, facing North.
Sheriff Office Job Openings
The Leavenworth County Sheriff's Office is seeking hardworking, dedicated, and career-minded professionals for the positions of:Deputy Sheriff (Patrol Division) - $23.35/Hour, Full-Time, Benefits Eligible, Pay Consideration for Experience/Education
Deputy Sheriff Job Description
Detention Officer - $20.76/Hour, Full-Time, Benefits Eligible
Detention Officer Job Description
To apply click here.
Are you looking for a new career?
Leavenworth County is a great place to work!
You can find all of our current job openings on our job opening section of our website.
One of our greatest resources at Leavenworth County is our hard-working employees. We would like to congratulate each employee celebrating a work anniversary milestone during the month of February! We are proud to have dedicated employees on our team!
Leavenworth County EMS and Health Department
February is American Heart Month, a time when all people—especially women—are encouraged to focus on their cardiovascular health.This Heart Month, the Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention (DHDSP) is encouraging women to listen to their hearts and speak up for their health. Women in the United States are experiencing unacceptable and avoidable heart-related illness and death, and nearly half of U.S. women do not recognize that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women.

Leavenworth County Health Department Staff geared up for the Chiefs run at the Super Bowl.
Emergency ManagementEmergency Management welcomed a new employee into their department earlier this year, Rachael McWilliams, Assistant Coordinator (Planning and Exercise).
Emergency Management is pleased to have Rachael be a part of our team, the larger Sheriff's Office team, and the County as a whole. She is an excellent asset to the community.
Let's get to know Rachael.
Rachael, tell us a little about yourself...
First, I graduated from Northwest Missouri State University in December with a Bachelor of Science in Emergency and Disaster Management. I have lived in Leavenworth for the last 13 years and was a pioneer at Leavenworth High School. That is where I fell in love with helping others through community service. I had the opportunity to intern for Chuck and Zach last year, and that was such a fantastic experience that I wanted to be a part of their team. I am honored to work with them full-time.
Fun facts about me are that I am the youngest of four. In my free time, I like to bake, which is my stress reliever, watch movies, watch The Office for the millionth time, and do some sort of artistic activity, whether drawing, painting, or working with colors.
In closing, I am so happy to be a part of the Sheriff's Office family.
Be Safe, everyone, and remember always to be prepared and have a plan!!
Prescribed Burning Tips
Prescribed burning is an essential management tool for maintaining and enhancing grasslands. To many of us, fire is a feared enemy that destroys everything in its path. Because of this, controlled fires, such as prescribed burning, are underutilized as a management tool for improving and maintaining habitats.
Present-day research and experience have shown that prescribed burning can be an effective management tool. Prescribed burns are used most frequently to maintain and restore native grasslands. To achieve the benefits, fire must be used under very specific conditions, using very specific techniques.
Every prescribed burn should have a clear objective. This objective is necessary to evaluate the success of the burn. Objectives for a prescribed burn often include one or more of the following:
- Kill woody plants
- Remove grass and wildflower dead vegetative build-up
- Promote regrowth of warm-season plants
- Promote regrowth of cool-season plants
- Reduce or set back noxious weeds
- Increase populations of wildflowers
- Reduce wildfire fuel build-up
- Control Red Cedar Trees
Burn objectives should be identified in the burning process. The objectives help determine the weather conditions for the burn, the timing of the burn, and how hot the burn should be.
Notification: Obtain your burn permits at the Leavenworth Sheriff's Website and click on the burn permit button on the opening page!
For both safety and legal reasons, certain agencies must be notified before a burn to prevent unnecessary concerns and danger. Notifying neighbors, fire departments, and local law enforcement officials must be part of the prescribed burning process. Working with the local fire department is crucial because a burn permit is necessary, and there may be a burning ban for your area.
There are many things to consider when planning for any burn. Burns need to be conducted by individuals who are experienced and trained in the use of fire. However, as a landowner, it is important to understand prescribed burning or control burning when conducted. For instance, fire moves faster uphill than on a level surface, so the burn area's slope must be considered.
When using fire, it is important to plan for firebreaks. A firebreak is an area that will contain a fire within its boundaries. A plowed or disked strip, reaching down to the soil, is the most common method of establishing a firebreak. Sometimes, a mowed path or a walking trail can be used as a fire break. Firebreaks should be at least 20 feet wide.
Three kinds of equipment are needed for prescribed burning:
- tools to ignite the fire
- tools to control the fire
- safety equipment
- Add water for self-hydration
To control your fire correctly, fire swatters, 12-inch X 18-inch pieces of reinforced rubber attached to a handle, or fire brooms, are great for smothering small grass fires. A backpack water pump can be teamed up with a swatter for maximum efficiency. To aid in the extinction of the fire, one quart of dishwashing detergent can be added to 50 gallons of water (one tablespoon of detergent to one gallon). This mix helps the water to "cling" to the grass fuel. Low-pressure field crop sprayers with handgun nozzles can work for small burn areas with safe boundaries, as well as backpack and herbicide sprayers. An all-terrain vehicle can also be helpful for carrying extra tools or tanks of water to your site.
Safety equipment is also essential. Ensure a first aid kit and plenty of drinking water are always nearby. Poorly managed burns or ignorance of safety measures can lead to property damage and even injury or death. Even in well-managed burns, accidents can occur. Safety should be the major consideration before, during, and after every burn. Never wear synthetic fibers like nylon, which can melt and stick to the skin. A long-sleeved shirt, a hard hat, long pants, gloves, and eye protection will protect you from radiant heat and flare-ups. Depending on the size of your burn generally, three or four people are needed on each fire line (more if safety may be challenged).
The timing of a burn determines the plants that will be benefited and controlled, the impact on wildlife species, and safety. Most burns are conducted mid to late spring or in the fall. Our burning season will start in the last week of February through mid-April. Burning to favor desired grasses should take place just as they are beginning to green up and the soil surface is damp. Generally, a late spring burn will control woody vegetation and cool season grasses rather than an early spring burn, but it is less beneficial for wildflowers. This burn will also provide warm-season grasses the nutrients they need to grow.
Weather Conditions
The weather has an overriding effect on any burn. Before you burn, have a burn plan that will outline the weather conditions for the day of the burn and several days after, which must be met before the burn is conducted. Having the latest and most updated weather conditions available is very important before starting the burn. If the relative humidity is below 50%, the dryness of the grass is prone to causing very hot fires.
Temperature is also critical when laying out a burn plan because of its relation to relative humidity. Below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, grass will rarely burn, and above 80 degrees Fahrenheit, burning is hazardous. Between 40 degree Fahrenheit and 60 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.
Wind direction and speed should both be taken into account as well. The wind speed should be between three and seven mph, and the wind direction should remain steady. If either varies greatly, the fire can shift with gusts of wind, and may burn too quickly with increased wind speed. Both of these variables can severely hinder safety precautions if not watched closely. Always warn your neighbors of your burn, and prevent smoke from hindering any roadways by planning your burn when the wind direction is going away from the road. If your burn hinders traffic flow and causes issues, the fire will be extinguished.
Always burn during the day. Burn permits will not be issued after dark. We want you to be safe when conducting a burn on your property. Please take this information and use it to keep you your properties safe. If at any time your fire should get away from you, don't wait, call 911.
Council on Aging

- The Leavenworth County Treasurer’s office is proud to announce Caleb Gordon as the new Treasurer for Leavenworth County! Caleb took office on January 2nd and is already working hard to make our office great. If you have not had the honor of meeting Caleb, please feel free to stop in say hello! He would love to meet you!
- For the month of February, motor vehicles with owners’ last names starting with the letter “A” and the month of March, owners' last names starting with "B".
- Taxpayers may renew their vehicles up to 60 days in advance of their renewal deadline.
- Note: Starting January 2024 we will be giving out different plate styles. You can find them on our website.
- Driver's License renewals at the Annex are now taking appointments again. Please call to set up an appointment at 913-364-5730.
What we do...
Buildings and Grounds tries, to the best of our ability, to be good stewards of taxpayer's money and operate within the annual budget constraints set by the Board of County Commissioners.
What responsibilities fall under Buildings and Grounds?
- The safe operation and maintenance of 10 county owned buildings and three communication towers with a combined value of over $78 million.
- Primary focus is on the Courthouse, Justice Center, Health Department, EMS facilities, County Shop, Transfer Station and Tonganoxie Annex.
- Manages all facility construction projects and subcontracted services.
How does Buildings and Grounds accomplish all of the needed operation and maintenance?
- Buildings and Grounds has a maintenance staff of a director, four technicians, an administrative assistant, four janitorial staff and access to the County Shop personnel and equipment when needed.
- Buildings and Grounds has many tools in the operation and maintenance toolbox and some are three year on-call contracts, a shop full of hand tools, power tools, mowing equipment and needed parts.
- Buildings and Grounds has access to the Public Works architectural/engineering support contract for assistance with engineering and architectural design needs.
- Other tools at our disposal are annual specialty service contracts for elevators, electrical control systems at the Justice Center, fire monitoring, vending and Justice Center janitorial to name a few.
What types of projects does Buildings and Grounds have going today?
- The newly acquired Cushing Memorial Hospital conversion and remodel of four floors.
- Operations and maintenance of the five sewer districts.
- Day to day requests for operation and maintenance from county employees.
Sweet Service
Sean Hicks treats our customers so well they bring him treats on return visits!
After three days of working on an issue with Roseanne Zwaduk, she presented him with caramel corn in gratitude. We received flowers the same day from another happy customer. How may we help you?
2024 Legislative Session starts
The Legislative season is upon us. Commissioner Jeff Culbertson and myself testified before the KS State Senate concerning funding for our Leavenworth County LAVTR funds.
Sharing FREE Property Fraud Alert & Services by Register of Deeds
February 1, 2024 - Leavenworth Lions Club
February 5, 2024 - Leavenworth County Republican Party
February 8, 2024 - Cedar Falls Home Owner Association Meeting
February 13, 2024 Leavenworth City Council
February 13, 2024 Easton City Council
February 14, 2024 Basehor City Council
If you are part of a club or organization looking for a speaker, I am available to share this community service in person. Email requests TMashburn@LeavenworthCounty.gov or call the office. I would be happy to share a program on Register of Deeds services with your group.
In these uncertain times, I encourage you to protect your property by also researching the benefits of the Transfer on Death Deed and talking with your attorney on any questions you may have about your property ownership. We have forms you may print off for free on our website .
For more information or to subscribe to Property Fraud Alert, call the Register of Deeds at 913.684.0424 or email tmashburn@leavenworthcounty.gov .
Leavenworth County HHW Trailer will be at the following clean up event’s
City of Leavenworth
When: Saturday, April 20, 2024
Hours: 9 AM - Noon
Location: Behind the Service Center at Pennsylvania and Lawrence avenues (behind the Pennsylvania Station apartments)
Contact: Steve King sking@firstcity.org 913-682-0650
City of Tonganoxie
When: Saturday, April 27, 2024
Hours: 9 AM - Noon
Location: The parking lot EAST of the Fire Station, 825 E 4th Street, Tonganoxie, KS 66086
Contact: Heather Holek hholek@tonganoxie.org
City of Basehor
When: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Hours: 9 AM - Noon
Location: Basehor Public Works Department - 2300 N 158th St, Basehor, KS 66007
Contact: 913-724-2000 Gene Myracle citysuper@cityofbasehor.org
Transfer Station Contact Information
24967 136th St, Lansing, KS 66043
Phone: 913.727.2858
Hours of Operation:
Tuesday thru Friday
8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
8:00 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Closed Sunday, Monday and all County observed Holidays
Requires a Building Permit: | Does Not Require a Building Permit: |
Traditional building permit applications can be found in the document center or can obtained in-person from our office. Completed application packets can be submitted in-person, emailed to us at PZ@LeavenworthCounty.gov, or submitted through our new Building Permit Online Application.
After receiving a building permit packet, we will confirm that the application is complete. Please then allow for 5-10 business days for the application to be processed. Once the permit is complete our office will be in contact with the applicant to arrange payment which can be done by check, in cash, or over the phone via credit/debit card. PLEASE NOTE: there is a fee associated with processing credit/debit cards charged by the service provider that is a percentage of the overall cost.
For more information regarding associated fees, please refer to our Schedule of Fees.
Additional Information:
- Before beginning construction, please contact Kansas811 to determine where underground utilities are located on your property.
- When a parcel requires an entrance and is not being obtained at the same time as a Single Family Residence, an Entrance Permit Application will need to be submitted. More information about entrance permits can be found here.
- In order to submit a building permit packet, the applicant will need to be on the deed of the property. If someone other than the owner of the property is submitting a building permit packet, an Owner Authorization form will need to be submitted with the packet. Owner Authorization forms can be found in the Document Center.
Public Works

Soma says, “After months of dedicated study, rigorous training, and a comprehensive examination, I am delighted to have attained this significant milestone in my professional career. This certification not only represents a personal achievement but also underscores my commitment to ensuring the safety and resilience of our communities in the face of flood hazards. Moving forward, I am excited to continue working hard to protect our communities from the devastating impacts of floods and promote a safer and more resilient future for all.”
As a Certified Floodplain Manager, she is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and expertise necessary to manage floodplain areas effectively, mitigate flood risks, and promote sustainable floodplain management practices.
This certification will enable her to contribute even more to our community by enhancing our preparedness, response, and recovery efforts in the event of flooding.
Soma, we are very proud of you. Congratulations!