Public Comment


Public Comment shall be limited to 25 minutes at the beginning of each meeting and opened again at the end of the meeting after all regularly scheduled agenda items. Comments at the start of the meeting shall be limited to items on the agenda and limited to five minutes per person. Comments at the end of the meeting shall be open to any topic of general interest to the Board of County Commissioners and limited to five minutes per person. There should be no expectation of interaction by the Commission during this time. Everyone wishing to make comments either on items on the agenda or not are encouraged to provide their comments in writing no later than 8:00 AM the Monday immediately preceding the meeting. These comments will be included in the agenda packet for everyone to access and review. This allows the Commission to have time to fully consider input and request follow up if needed prior to the meeting. During times when the Courthouse is closed to the general public anyone wishing to make public comment will provide their comments in writing no later than 8:00 AM the Monday immediately preceding the meeting. The comment will be included and distributed with the normal meeting packet.

Registering for the Public Comment Period or Speaking on Agenda Items

You can register to speak for either through the following ways:

  • Submit the registration form online by noon of the Tuesday prior to the meeting. Online registration opens on Friday afternoon, coinciding with publishing the agenda.
  • Sign up in person by close of business on the Tuesday, prior to the meeting.


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