Home-Delivered Meals
Meals on Wheels
The Meals on Wheels program delivers a nutritionally-balanced, hot meal to homebound individuals throughout Leavenworth County. This program ensures family members that their loved ones will have a healthy, nutritious meals delivered to their homes, five days per week. The program also provides an opportunity for daily contact with one of our staff members or a Meals on Wheels volunteer. Seniors who are over the age of 60, have difficulty preparing meals or have no one available to prepare a noon-day meals, and are homebound are eligible for the program.
- Meals are delivered between 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM CST, Monday-Friday.
- Meals on Wheels participants must be home at the time of delivery.
- No meals are delivered on weekends, holidays and severe weather days.
- Please notify the COA office @ (913)684-0777 to cancel a meal.

For more information, including requested meal donation, please call the Nutrition department @ (913)684-0777, Monday - Friday from 7:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST.